Curriculum Vitae
Academic & Professional Qualifications
2019 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
2015 PhD in Performing Arts, Middlesex University.
Title: ‘Becoming Together: Collaborative Labour in Contemporary Performance Practices’.
2009 MA in Performance Making (Distinction). Goldsmiths, University of London.
1997 Diploma fin d’etudes – Conservatoire National Superior de Lyon – France.
Professional Employment and Experience
2024 – Current
Interim Course Leader MA in Expanded Dance at London Contemporary Dance School – The Place.
Programme manager Aesop Arts Dance to Health
2015 - 2024
Senior Lecturer at University of Winchester
Executive Board Member: DanceHE (Secretary)
2012 – 2015
Lecturer – BA (Hons) Dance Course Leader at University of Suffolk
2006 – 2010
Lecturer – Dance Course Leader at Hackney Community College - London
Peer reviewer for: Journal for Dance and Somatics Practices (Intellect); MDPI – Arts Journal and Human Relations Journal (Sage)
Colin, Noyale and Stamp, Kathryn, Dancing, Emerald Publishing (Dec 2024)
Colin, Noyale and Seago, Cathy (eds), Ethical Agility in Dance: Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance, Routledge (2023)
Colin, Noyale and Sachsenmaier, Stefanie (eds), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan (2016)
Book Chapters:
Colin, Noyale ‘Ethical Agility in dance contexts’ in Colin, Noyale and Seago Cathy (eds), Ethical Agility in Dance: Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance, Routledge (2023)
Colin, Noyale and Sachsenmaier, Stefanie, ‘Collaborative Performance-Making in Context’ in: Colin, N and Sachsenmaier, S (eds.), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 1-26.
Colin, Noyale, ‘Collaboration as a Mode of Labour’ in: Colin, N and Sachsenmaier, S (eds), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 108-132.
Journal Articles:
Colin, Noyale, ‘Performing Solidarity’, Performance Research Journal (Summer 2023)
Colin, Noyale (2021), ‘The Politics of Unity in Dance’, Central Asia Journal of Art Studies, 6:4, 10–27.
Colin, Noyale (2019) ‘The potentiality of collaboration at Dartington College of Arts and the future of performance training’, Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (TDPT), Routledge (2019).
Colin, Noyale (2018) ‘The critical potential of somatic collectivity under post-Fordism’, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Intellect Ltd, 10 (2) pp 235-244.
Colin, Noyale (2015) 'Becoming Plural: The Distributed Self in Collaborative Performance Research', Choreographic Practices Journal.
Colin, Noyale & Woodford-Smith, Rebecca (2012) 'Bodies in Motion: Working through Plurality', Skepsi online journal, University of Kent. 20-36.
Colin, Noyale (2012) 'Choreographic Presence: Time, Memory, and Affects'. Symposium proceedings Performance Studies International (Psi).
Journal editorials:
Guest editor with Sachsenmaier, Stefanie
‘On Solidarity’, Performance Research Journal, Special edition (2023).
Book Reviews:
Susanne Foellmer, Margaret Lünenborg, Christoph Raetzsch (eds.), Media Practices, Social Movements and Performativity: Transdisciplinary approaches, International Journal of Cultural Politics, Intellect (2020).
Conference and Research Event Organisation
Webinar, co-organiser with John Lee, Performances in Public Space: Responses to Uncertainty in a Time of Pandemic, June 2021.
Symposium, co-organised with Dr Cathy Seago, Bridging dance training contexts: re-assessing techniques and skills for the social and cultural sphere, Dec 2018.
Roundtable: A Re-Assessment of Technique in Dance Training, University of Winchester, May 2018.
On Collaboration symposium II, co-organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Middlesex University, May 2013.
On Collaboration symposium I, co-organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Middlesex University, May 2012.
Public Engagement events
Dancing (Arts and Health Series) at the London Contemporary Dance School The Place (London) Jan 2025
Ethical Agility in Dance Book Launch - Northern School of Contemporary Dance Leeds - Jan 2004
Dance for Health Research Network Event 1 – University of Winchester – June 2023
Dance for Health Research Network Event 2 – University of Winchester – February 2024
Performances in Public Space: Responses to Uncertainty in a Time of Pandemic (Webinar/ Podcast) June 2021
Performing Solidarity Talk 4 – Ethics and Responsibility, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, July 2020
Performing Solidarity Talk 3 – Dissensus and Compromises, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, June 2020
Performing Solidarity Talk 2 – Self-organising, self-instituting, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, Dec 2019
Performing Solidarity Talk 1 – Making Common Cause Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, Oct 2019
In Conversation with Series, Centre of Performance Practice and Research (CPPR), 2019/2020, University of Winchester, UK.
Selected conference papers
26/10/2023 Interfacing with our Interface: A conversation between Olu Taiwo and Noyale Colin, Dance Studies Association Conference 2023 – Movement – Mobility - Reciprocity
Presentation at event `Bridging the Gap Between Gown and Town’.
7/7/2019 Performing Solidarity: The Politics of Collaboration in Performance Practice, Coventry University, UK.
7/09/18 Immediacy and Interconnectedness, TAPRA conference: Performer Training Working Group - who are we training for? Aberystwyth, UK.
19/09/2018 The Affective Persistence of Somatic Collectivity in Post-Fordist Society. At the Symposium Bodily Undoing: Somatic Activism and Performance Cultures as Practice of Critique. BODILY UNDOING: SOMATIC ACTIVISM AND PERFORMANCE. Bath Spa University College, UK.
07/09/2018 Dance Dialogues: Discipline, Practice & Futures.
18/05/18 Practising Togetherness, Dance Dialogues: Discipline Practice and Futures, Coventry University, UK.
01/05/2018 Practising Embodied Collectivity in Post-Fordist society at the Symposium Collective Works: Questioning Collectivity in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: Novi Sad, Serbia
8-11/06/2017 The Politics of Collaboration - Roundtable Chair at Performance Studies International (PSI) Annual Conference Hamburg, Germany.
29/04/2016 A ‘planetary problem’: contemporary responses within European dance theatre to the ‘crisis’ of belonging, ‘Crisis’ in Excess? Performing Europe today Symposium, University of Winchester, UK.
21/03/2015 Distributed Performers’ Self in Composition: An Insight into Interdisciplinary Structured Improvisation’, Performance and Interdisciplinary, University of Malta.
18/07/2014 ‘Stepping Besides: Distributing the Self in Collaborative Performance Research’, Questioning the Contemporary in 21st Century British Dance Practices, Leeds Metropolitan University.
25/06/2014 ‘Politics of Collaboration in Artistic Practices’, University Suffolk Campus Research Colloquium, Ipswich Suffolk.
18/05/2013 ’Collaboration as a Mode of Labour: A Post-Marxist Perspective’, On Collaboration symposium II, Middlesex University, London.
25/02/2012, ‘“Tout fait”: Bergson, time, and choreographic being-made’, international conference, title of panel: ‘Restaging the Readymade’, USA, 100th Annual Conference and Centennial Celebration, College Art Association, Los Angeles, USA.
14/04/2012, ‘Choreographic Presence: time, memory and affect’, PSi London group, International Conference: How Performance Thinks’, London.
22/05/2012, 'Choreographic presence through time: a performative assessment of the legacy of the Judson Dance Theatre Group', Conference Paper, Postgraduate Conference: Transform@work, University of Surrey, Guildford.
13/06/2012, ‘Collaboration in Crisis? A mixed-practice inquiry into collaborative processes in performance practice’, Practice-led research presentation, forum convened by Dr Susan Lock, Art and Design Research Institute, London
03/06/2011, 'Choreographic presence through time: a performative assessment of the legacy of the Judson Dance Theatre Group', A mixed- mode presentation including 15 minutes performance and 15 minutes paper. Symposium title: ‘La transmission du geste en question: processus, expérience, figure', Université de Nice, France
Practical Research activities
2023 Dance for Health – The use of Otago for fall prevention programme in creative dance. How to work with Touch with Rosetta Life.
2019 The Institute of Place (
An interdisciplinary project that seeks to generate, interrogate and reformulate individual and collective relationships to ‘place’ through performance-research related activities.
2017/18: Learning and Teaching curriculum development research project, University of Winchester.
A reassessment of dance technical and performance training in HE.
18 -25/06/2016 Learning Plays – A School of School; a meeting of alternative academies, schools and universities (selected participants).
A project by Impulse Theatre Festival in collaboration with Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany.
06/07-10/07/2015 Research Intensive: Creativity, Process and Mindfulness, Middlesex University, London.
01-04/08/2014 IDOCDE Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education
ImPulsTanz, Vienna International Dance Festival
14-15/12/2013 Falling About, selected participant, research laboratory event led by Professor Emilyn Claid (Roehampton University) held in London.
02/07-14/07/2011 Generating the Impossible, selected participant, international interdisciplinary research event led by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi (Concordia University) held in Montreal, Canada.
01/04-04/05/2012 On Collaboration, interdisciplinary residency held at Middlesex University, London
Blog (2012) -
2019 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
2015 PhD in Performing Arts, Middlesex University.
Title: ‘Becoming Together: Collaborative Labour in Contemporary Performance Practices’.
2009 MA in Performance Making (Distinction). Goldsmiths, University of London.
1997 Diploma fin d’etudes – Conservatoire National Superior de Lyon – France.
Professional Employment and Experience
2024 – Current
Interim Course Leader MA in Expanded Dance at London Contemporary Dance School – The Place.
- Module leader final project Applied Practice
- Final Project supervisor
- Supervisor coordinator
- Postgraduate Graduation Festival coordinator
Programme manager Aesop Arts Dance to Health
2015 - 2024
Senior Lecturer at University of Winchester
- Programme Leader (maternity cover 2020/21)
- Module leader (multiple modules) and first year student coordinator.
- International students’ liaison officer and recruitment
- Convenor for the Centre for Performance Practice and Research (CPPR)
- Leader of the REF Unit of Assessment Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies
- REF working group chair
- Academic representant for the Role Transfer Profile Panel
- Member of Winchester Institute of Contemplative Practices
Executive Board Member: DanceHE (Secretary)
2012 – 2015
Lecturer – BA (Hons) Dance Course Leader at University of Suffolk
2006 – 2010
Lecturer – Dance Course Leader at Hackney Community College - London
Peer reviewer for: Journal for Dance and Somatics Practices (Intellect); MDPI – Arts Journal and Human Relations Journal (Sage)
Colin, Noyale and Stamp, Kathryn, Dancing, Emerald Publishing (Dec 2024)
Colin, Noyale and Seago, Cathy (eds), Ethical Agility in Dance: Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance, Routledge (2023)
Colin, Noyale and Sachsenmaier, Stefanie (eds), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan (2016)
Book Chapters:
Colin, Noyale ‘Ethical Agility in dance contexts’ in Colin, Noyale and Seago Cathy (eds), Ethical Agility in Dance: Rethinking Technique in British Contemporary Dance, Routledge (2023)
Colin, Noyale and Sachsenmaier, Stefanie, ‘Collaborative Performance-Making in Context’ in: Colin, N and Sachsenmaier, S (eds.), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 1-26.
Colin, Noyale, ‘Collaboration as a Mode of Labour’ in: Colin, N and Sachsenmaier, S (eds), Collaboration in Performance Practice: Premises, Workings and Failures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 108-132.
Journal Articles:
Colin, Noyale, ‘Performing Solidarity’, Performance Research Journal (Summer 2023)
Colin, Noyale (2021), ‘The Politics of Unity in Dance’, Central Asia Journal of Art Studies, 6:4, 10–27.
Colin, Noyale (2019) ‘The potentiality of collaboration at Dartington College of Arts and the future of performance training’, Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (TDPT), Routledge (2019).
Colin, Noyale (2018) ‘The critical potential of somatic collectivity under post-Fordism’, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Intellect Ltd, 10 (2) pp 235-244.
Colin, Noyale (2015) 'Becoming Plural: The Distributed Self in Collaborative Performance Research', Choreographic Practices Journal.
Colin, Noyale & Woodford-Smith, Rebecca (2012) 'Bodies in Motion: Working through Plurality', Skepsi online journal, University of Kent. 20-36.
Colin, Noyale (2012) 'Choreographic Presence: Time, Memory, and Affects'. Symposium proceedings Performance Studies International (Psi).
Journal editorials:
Guest editor with Sachsenmaier, Stefanie
‘On Solidarity’, Performance Research Journal, Special edition (2023).
Book Reviews:
Susanne Foellmer, Margaret Lünenborg, Christoph Raetzsch (eds.), Media Practices, Social Movements and Performativity: Transdisciplinary approaches, International Journal of Cultural Politics, Intellect (2020).
Conference and Research Event Organisation
Webinar, co-organiser with John Lee, Performances in Public Space: Responses to Uncertainty in a Time of Pandemic, June 2021.
Symposium, co-organised with Dr Cathy Seago, Bridging dance training contexts: re-assessing techniques and skills for the social and cultural sphere, Dec 2018.
Roundtable: A Re-Assessment of Technique in Dance Training, University of Winchester, May 2018.
On Collaboration symposium II, co-organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Middlesex University, May 2013.
On Collaboration symposium I, co-organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Middlesex University, May 2012.
Public Engagement events
Dancing (Arts and Health Series) at the London Contemporary Dance School The Place (London) Jan 2025
Ethical Agility in Dance Book Launch - Northern School of Contemporary Dance Leeds - Jan 2004
Dance for Health Research Network Event 1 – University of Winchester – June 2023
Dance for Health Research Network Event 2 – University of Winchester – February 2024
Performances in Public Space: Responses to Uncertainty in a Time of Pandemic (Webinar/ Podcast) June 2021
Performing Solidarity Talk 4 – Ethics and Responsibility, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, July 2020
Performing Solidarity Talk 3 – Dissensus and Compromises, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, June 2020
Performing Solidarity Talk 2 – Self-organising, self-instituting, Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, Dec 2019
Performing Solidarity Talk 1 – Making Common Cause Co- organised with Dr Stefanie Sachsenmaier, Live Arts Development Agency, Oct 2019
In Conversation with Series, Centre of Performance Practice and Research (CPPR), 2019/2020, University of Winchester, UK.
Selected conference papers
26/10/2023 Interfacing with our Interface: A conversation between Olu Taiwo and Noyale Colin, Dance Studies Association Conference 2023 – Movement – Mobility - Reciprocity
Presentation at event `Bridging the Gap Between Gown and Town’.
7/7/2019 Performing Solidarity: The Politics of Collaboration in Performance Practice, Coventry University, UK.
7/09/18 Immediacy and Interconnectedness, TAPRA conference: Performer Training Working Group - who are we training for? Aberystwyth, UK.
19/09/2018 The Affective Persistence of Somatic Collectivity in Post-Fordist Society. At the Symposium Bodily Undoing: Somatic Activism and Performance Cultures as Practice of Critique. BODILY UNDOING: SOMATIC ACTIVISM AND PERFORMANCE. Bath Spa University College, UK.
07/09/2018 Dance Dialogues: Discipline, Practice & Futures.
18/05/18 Practising Togetherness, Dance Dialogues: Discipline Practice and Futures, Coventry University, UK.
01/05/2018 Practising Embodied Collectivity in Post-Fordist society at the Symposium Collective Works: Questioning Collectivity in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: Novi Sad, Serbia
8-11/06/2017 The Politics of Collaboration - Roundtable Chair at Performance Studies International (PSI) Annual Conference Hamburg, Germany.
29/04/2016 A ‘planetary problem’: contemporary responses within European dance theatre to the ‘crisis’ of belonging, ‘Crisis’ in Excess? Performing Europe today Symposium, University of Winchester, UK.
21/03/2015 Distributed Performers’ Self in Composition: An Insight into Interdisciplinary Structured Improvisation’, Performance and Interdisciplinary, University of Malta.
18/07/2014 ‘Stepping Besides: Distributing the Self in Collaborative Performance Research’, Questioning the Contemporary in 21st Century British Dance Practices, Leeds Metropolitan University.
25/06/2014 ‘Politics of Collaboration in Artistic Practices’, University Suffolk Campus Research Colloquium, Ipswich Suffolk.
18/05/2013 ’Collaboration as a Mode of Labour: A Post-Marxist Perspective’, On Collaboration symposium II, Middlesex University, London.
25/02/2012, ‘“Tout fait”: Bergson, time, and choreographic being-made’, international conference, title of panel: ‘Restaging the Readymade’, USA, 100th Annual Conference and Centennial Celebration, College Art Association, Los Angeles, USA.
14/04/2012, ‘Choreographic Presence: time, memory and affect’, PSi London group, International Conference: How Performance Thinks’, London.
22/05/2012, 'Choreographic presence through time: a performative assessment of the legacy of the Judson Dance Theatre Group', Conference Paper, Postgraduate Conference: Transform@work, University of Surrey, Guildford.
13/06/2012, ‘Collaboration in Crisis? A mixed-practice inquiry into collaborative processes in performance practice’, Practice-led research presentation, forum convened by Dr Susan Lock, Art and Design Research Institute, London
03/06/2011, 'Choreographic presence through time: a performative assessment of the legacy of the Judson Dance Theatre Group', A mixed- mode presentation including 15 minutes performance and 15 minutes paper. Symposium title: ‘La transmission du geste en question: processus, expérience, figure', Université de Nice, France
Practical Research activities
2023 Dance for Health – The use of Otago for fall prevention programme in creative dance. How to work with Touch with Rosetta Life.
2019 The Institute of Place (
An interdisciplinary project that seeks to generate, interrogate and reformulate individual and collective relationships to ‘place’ through performance-research related activities.
2017/18: Learning and Teaching curriculum development research project, University of Winchester.
A reassessment of dance technical and performance training in HE.
- Project on student’s perception of/ engagement with feedback in relation to expectation.
- Secondary school teachers focus group
18 -25/06/2016 Learning Plays – A School of School; a meeting of alternative academies, schools and universities (selected participants).
A project by Impulse Theatre Festival in collaboration with Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany.
06/07-10/07/2015 Research Intensive: Creativity, Process and Mindfulness, Middlesex University, London.
01-04/08/2014 IDOCDE Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education
ImPulsTanz, Vienna International Dance Festival
14-15/12/2013 Falling About, selected participant, research laboratory event led by Professor Emilyn Claid (Roehampton University) held in London.
02/07-14/07/2011 Generating the Impossible, selected participant, international interdisciplinary research event led by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi (Concordia University) held in Montreal, Canada.
01/04-04/05/2012 On Collaboration, interdisciplinary residency held at Middlesex University, London
Blog (2012) -